Yes. Again. I have been tagged...this time by the delightfully funny Dennie. She says that I have to list five weird random things about myself. Only five eh?
1. I actually like getting tagged...I created this blog just for the reason of being tagged. I think most of these meme things are a great way to get to know other bloggers. My friend, Bonnie Calhoun, who got me blogging in the first place, hates them and thinks they are like chain letters. She always posts the same post answer to all tags. It is a pretty funny post though. So, she is forgiven.
2. When I was in the Army, everyone called me Mimi instead of SPC Pearson or SGT Pearson. I think it is because I was very much the atypical soldier. Like Private Benjamin of sorts. I would be forgiven anything because I was 'Mimi'...even not showing up for PT (Physical Training). "Oh, was that this morning Sergeant?" "Yes, Mimi. It is every morning." Even the Company Commander called me Mimi. No one else was referred to by their name or nickname.
In the Army I was a Multimedia Illustrator. An artist. I already had an art degree (BA from San Jose State University)...I was really artsy fartsy...Not only was I weird enough to join the Army, I joined it for experience in the art field. To the left is a little article about my weird self done while I was in Hungary during Operation Joint Guard. The next picture is a sample of a

4. I was raised in a family of all girls with the exception of my dad and our pet dog. My family now is all boys with the exception of me and our pet dog.
5. I prefer Young Adult novels to any other type of book. I love Harry Potter and Artemis Fowl. And if the novel has a dragon in it, I will read it all night long. I also love those kinds of novels so much that I wrote my own. And even though I love to write, I am a horrid speller. (I always spell weird wrong...usually I spell it wierd. I'm still not sure which one is right.)
A lot of my blogging friends have already done this tag...if you've done it already, let me know!
Poor souls:
My son, Keegan
My husband, he will start a blog.
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Yea MC - love it!
i before e, except after c or w....
That's a cute post. Yea you can get away with tagging your family 'cause they want their Christmas presents!!!! LOL
Have a Merry Christmas and a great holiday weekend, MC. And, thanks for not tagging me. That's the best present of all.
and sorry about the tag =)
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, MC. Have a good one!
I nominated you for a BOB award in humor :)
Mimi, you are SO talented!
Merry Christmas!
Dennie~ I loved your answers too! Cool meme.
Bonnie~ You are the silliest pixie! Keegan and Dave are actually weird (I spelled it right!) like me and are excited about doing it.
Fred~ You're awesome! Did you have fun at Disneyworld??? Hope so! Merry Christmas buddy!
Jean-Luc~ Right back at ya Cappie!
Running2ks~ *blushing* Thank you sweetie!
Jennifer~ Thank you, I now have a permanantly swelled head. I guess I'll never leave this room! I sure cannot fit through the door what with you and Running2ks saying such sweet things!!!
I def be doing this soon as I have some time! Heehee!!!
I posted mine over at Dennie's!
Kindred Hangarian - Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great Christmas...very special actually.
This year I went to a Woman's Homeless Shelter on Christmas Eve...I went there to be a blessing - but those women and children touched my heart and blessed me more than I them I think!
Anyway, I liked reading your weird fun facts :)
I think my 'tater tot' trivia post covers a lot of my weird fun facts :)
OOOOO...forgot to mention that I got my son the Landon Snow... book for Christmas - I will let you know how he likes it - thanks for the suggestion :)
It has been fun getting to know you - many blessings!
great way to know you more, MC. blessings to you... c",)
I just did this brother still won't do his! Belated Merry Christmas!
It's official, I will now call you only Mimi... That is unless you ever try and tag me, in which I will call you "Miss Taken".
I love tags too, especially if I don't feel like thinking.
Trinity13~ Can't wait to see it!
Ballpoint Bonnie~ I couldn't find it! >:(
Kimber~ I'll go check that out! Hope your son enjoys Landon Snow as much as my son did!
Beanie~ yes, I am weird!
Angela~ I'm so glad there are others with my handicap...makes it easier to blog and not worry so much!
Pia~ Blessing to you too!
Ciera~ I thought I saw it on yours!
Curm~ I almost tagged you. Don't you worry, you will be next...mmmwhaahahahaha
Nettie~ Your blog is always so fun to look at!
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