Remember that on November 17th I posted about the novel Comes A Horseman by Robert Liparulo? Well, I've finished reading it and totally loved it. The similes he uses are original and brilliant. He brought action and emotion together very well. I loved the main characters and despised the bad guys. What bad guys he had too!!! YIKES! I shall never look at the historical Vikings again without cringing. The book does not have as much art as I thought it would but it makes up for it with great FBI gadgetry and believability. It even has a Shih Tzu which is my personal favorite dog. (Of course I'm biased because I have a 1/2 Shih Tzu 1/2 Jack Russell puppy.) Anyway, I recommend this to all Thriller lovers. It is not to be missed.
Good recommendation, there!
Thank you Jean-Luc, it is a great read!
So is Jack Russell your second favorite?
I envy your time to read *SIGH*--I have 5 books stacked up waiting.
I've been out of the loop for a couple days - sorry! Thanks for the recommendation. I'm actually headed to the bookstore tonight, so I will look for it. I'm also looking for great new books.
Oops - that should be "always looking"
Another book that will sit on my night stand. I'm going to start buying the audio versions and give them a try.
Nettie~ I guess it is! Look at the two names together and tell me what kind of dog it is. You can place the name in this sentence: "I don't know (blank blank)!"
Running2ks~ I always make time to read. It is my stress reliever! I think I'd explode if I didn't.
Jennifer~ Every month I'll be reviewing at least one book, so stay tuned my friend!
Fred~ Come on Professor! I know you can read and this one is really hard to put down. Much like Angels and Demons was.
Like you, I got my copy at the last minute. It was an excellent book though. Intense at times, but a great read.
hi, MC! i've seen three people so far who wrote something about that book. i'm curious. hmmm... i'll drop by the bookstore this week and look for that book.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the recommendation of the book. If you ever need any sports help, holler!!
That sounds like a great book--I'll look for it in my bookstore.
I love audiobooks!
I've been downloading the free monthly offer at www.christianaudio.com, and the public library in my area has a pretty good selection.
I highly recommend the Christian Audio cite!
I'll def have to check out the book sometime!!!
Curm~ really intense! I just had to keep reading. Bob kept up a great pace!
Pia~ Cool. It is an awesome read.
Teresa~ I just may need help in that department!
Ballpoint Bonnie~ great! If you can't find it, it is also in Christian Bookstores and on Amazon.com.
Bean~ Hope she likes it!
Julie~ That's a great site, thanks!
Trinity13~ I hope you do. It is really exciting.
It was a great read.
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