Well, I didn't tell you all but I had Part One of my book in a secular publisher's hands this past month. Eventhough she decided not to take my book on, she did give me a few pointers on what is wrong, so I'll be working on it. I'm one step closer to being published. God is good.
Another good thing about the ordeal is that it gave me a kick in the pants to finish all my fine-tuning and rewrites. It will be published. I'm sure of that. I just have to wait on God's timing. It is all for Him, anyway. Not me.
Here is some good news: I got a scholarship to the Philadelphia Writer's Conference! I only have to pay for half! I'm so excited, Bonnie and I will meet there on August 9th for the 10-12th conference. I'd love to see more of my writer friends there...*Hint Hint!*
Way to be motivated! Seriously.
Hey girl, you'll get there. It was good of that publisher to tell you something to work on.
Hey, I'll come to that conference, just as soon as you send me the airfare. :) Have fun there and learn heaps.
I’m sorry to hear that the publisher didn’t buy your wonderful book. But it must be great to get such high caliper feedback.
And... YOU AND BONNIE TOGETHER, in ONE PLACE? That should be fun.
Marianne, that is so encouraging! I hope you get published soon.
God's Grace.
While I would love to go to a writer's conference...if I had the money to travel...I'd be going to England...a specific little corner of it... ;-)
Congrats on the scholarship. It's only a matter of time before we'll be reading your book!
Well done, Mimi. You & Bonnie will enjoy that conderence.
I know what Ciera means....
That's good news, Mimi about the book. And whoa! You're going to meet Bonnie! I bet you two will have loads of fun.
Nettie~ You're so sweet. I'm sorry about your dog. God bless you, honey.
Curm~ Yeah, watch out Philly! Would love if you could come too?
Rulan~ When I'm a famous author, I'll be sure to pay for you to get to the conference! Right now, I'm just praying God will help me with the car rental fare!
Corry~ Thanks, I hope so too...all in His time!
Ciera and Jean-Luc~ Someday it'll happen!
Fred~ Thanks, buddy.
Bonnie Wren~ Oh boy is it ever gonna be fun! I'm so EXCITED!!!
Yea...and you'd better behave in the meantime so that the friends you meet don't have to slap you the first time they see you *insert maniacal laughter here*
I'm so excited for both your book and the writer's conference! If the publisher took the time to give you feedback, that says a lot!
i just got back from a thriller writer's conference and my brain is so full of ideas it's about to explode. You're about to have a BLAST! One word of advice: get plenty of sleep before the conference, because you'll be lucky to get a few hours a night while you're there!
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