Please pray for my friends, Lisa and Tim, who just lost their son. He was a friend of my son and a sweet boy. They are grieved and need Jesus' arms around them. The funeral is tomorrow...June 8. It will be difficult for many people. Such a loss.
No one should have to outlive their child.
Boy Dies At Pool Party
By Todd Huffman
Saturday, June 3, 2006
GLEN ALPINE - A birthday party on Linville Street on Saturday went horribly wrong when Kyle Thomas Sullivan, 11, was found lifeless at the bottom of the pool.
Bystanders worked to resuscitate Sullivan at the scene. He was transported to Grace Hospital, where he died at 2:44 p.m.
Sullivan, was attending a birthday party at 625 Linville Street. Several children were playing in the shallow end of the pool and some inflatable rafts were in the water, which may have helped hide Sullivan, says Chief Robert Lane of the Glen Alpine Police Department.
Lane says witnesses told him Sullivan was missing for more than 15 minutes. A woman at the party saw what appeared to be blue shorts in the deep end of the pool, and she dove in to find the victim face down in about 8 feet of water. She brought Sullivan to the surface, where two bystanders pulled him out and started CPR.
Chemicals added to the pool prior to the party left the water milky, and the bottom of the pool couldn't be seen from the surface, Lane says.
David Burleson, Burke County schools superintendent, says a team of counselors will be at Glen Alpine Elementary Monday to assist students, and faculty, with the loss of their classmate.
Sullivan, of 2600 Orders Drive, Glen Alpine, was the son of Lisa Flores and Tim Sullivan.
Glen Alpine Elementary is planning to memorialize Kyle. He was a fifth-grader full of life. He never let teachers forget that children need to play as well as learn, Stroup says.
We Were Already Fragile (exerpt from article)
Glen Alpine already has a playground equipment fund with some money in it. The principal says the school will dedicate one piece of equipment to Kyle.
A plaque will have Kyle's name and one of his favorite quotes: "Let's play.""That was the kind of child he was," Stroup says. "He would want us to play."
Obituary from Sossoman's Funeral Home
Kyle Thomas Sullivan, 11, of Morganton, NC, died Saturday, June 3, 2006 at Grace Hospital. He was born in Lake County, IN on January 22, 1995 to Timothy Edward Sullivan and Lisa Marie Flores.
Kyle was a member of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church and attended Glen Alpine Elementary School. He was a member of Boy Scouts Pack #225 of Drexel, NC and loved to ride his bicycle.
In addition to his parents, Kyle is survived by his sister, Casey Sullivan of the home; grandparents, Daniel and Judith Sullivan of Hebron, IN, Tom Flores of Houston, TX, and Linda Flores of
Charlotte, NC; aunts and uncles, Sue and Jim Wood of Crown Point, IN and Zack and Angelia Evans of Charlotte, NC; and numerous cousins.
Parents shouldn't have to outlive thier children, but somehow this is a part of God's plan.
I will pray for this family to understand the workings of God, and for Him to comfort them!
such a loss. i'll be praying...
Such a great, sad loss.
I'm praying...
Please be strong, Marianne.
This is awful! I will remember y'all in my prayers as well as the family who gave the party.
May God give them strenght and comfort in these trying times.
God's Grace.
I will be praying for the family and friends that God's love will over power them during there time of sorrow. My heart weeps for the parents and family. God Bless them.
this is a such a tragic loss. i'll be praying...blessings and love
How terrible. My heart goes out to the parents and family for their loss.
God Bless them, and I'll keep them in my prayers.
Thanks for pointing me this way. My heart goes out to all involved and I will be praying.
I will pray, Mimi.
There was a young lady in our church who died from drowning almost two years ago. This young lady was strong in the Lord, so strong that no less than eight people came to Christ. I can't hwlp but wonder if God means to do something miraculous in the lives of the people who loved Kyle...and others.
Of course He does. :)
Praying for peace and understanding, strength and love in this hour...came here from Curm's and wanted to offer prayers also....Bless you
So sad. If I had my way, nothing bad would ever happen to kids.
Please know that I have been praying and so have David and Darla.
I have tried zillions of times to comment, but blogger has been playing up something terrible.
Thank you for letting me know.
Praying for all.
God bless.
Dear sweet friend - I am weeping as I read this!! My heart breaks for this family's loss - and for fact that your son's friend was taken from this earth way too early.
I will pray pray pray for you and for this family....I am so so sorry!! May you all feel God's arms of comfort as you grieve. He promises to be near us in times like these!
Wishing there was more I could say or do! Thinking and praying for you my sweet friend!
Dearest Marianne
How are you, my dear friend?
How are Kyle's parents?
My heart is still weeping over this tragic loss.
My heart goes out to all who are affected by this most unfortunate incident.
May everyone be comforted by our Lord's palm of love.
Please take care, Marianne.
praying for their comfort...
I will def keep this family in my prayers!
That is such a tragedy. Hope you're able to offer them some support and shoulders.
I thank God for all of you. Please keep praying. The funeral was lovely yet heart-breaking. Lisa says she feels blessed from all the prayers. Specifically pray for Lisa and Tim, their daughter Casey (8), and Kyle's best friend, Leroy. Leroy is a really good friend of my son's. He will now spend the summer with us as he was supposed to spend it with Kyle. Lisa and I plan on spending many days at the park this summer.
Keep praying! Thanks and God bless you all in many special ways.
Oh, and lift up a prayer for Curmudgen's Rant (David Meigs(see side bar for link)) who is having heart problems right now.
Oh, this is so awful. How horrible! My prayers go up on behalf of Kyle's family, Mimi.
Mimi, I so feel for you, for your son and for your community! I will be praying with all my heart for all of you! So very sad!
{warm hugs}
You're a very wonderful sister to Lisa.
She needs you more now.
God bless.
I am so sorry - all my thoughts and prayers to your firneds and you all!
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