Above is a picture I took for a black and white photography class back in the day...around 1989 or so. Below is a poem I keep on my refrigerator...not sure when I first was given it but I think it is not only a wonderful way to wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day but something to be thought about every day of your lives.
So, to Helen Steiner Rice, I thank you for the lovely gift of words you have shared and to my blogger friends out there,
Happy Valentine's Day...
A Thankful Heart
Take nothing for granted,
for whenever you do
The "joy of enjoying"
is lessened for you~
For we rob our own lives
much more than we know
When we fail to respond
or in any way show
Our thanks for the blessings
that daily are ours...
The warmth of the sun,
the fragrance of flowers,
The beauty of twilight,
the freshness of dawn,
The coolness of dew
on a green velvet lawn,
The kind little deeds
so thoughtfully done,
The favors of friends
and the love that someone
Unselfishly gives us
in a myriad of ways,
Expecting no payment
and no words of praise~
Oh, great is our loss
when we no longer find
A thankful response
to things of this kind,
For the joy of enjoying
and the fullness of living
Are found in the heart
that is filled with thanksgiving.
~Helen Steiner Rice
Happy Valentine's Day Marianne!
Jesus loves you very much.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, MC. I'll be gone for the rest of the week, so have a great one!
That is a great picture. It takse a good eye to set up that kind of shot, but I see from most all of the pictures that you've ever taken that you have that natural eye...even though now they're teared by allergies!
Good poem too. that's the kind that make you go hmmmm!
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Nice pic. Nice poem.
Have a happy Valintine's Day kiddo.
Happy Valentine's Day My Hungarian Buddie :)
Thanks for making my life more fun! !!
The poem was great :)
Have a FANTASTIC DAY!!!!!!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Btw, love that pic!
Yes! Thankfulness! That is the often missing ingredient. I am learning to be thankful for each day - the Lord is helping me in this area. If I am thankful, then I am not worrying. I don't think that you can be both thankful and afraid at the same time. So thank you Jesus for the blessings of this day, and bless this dear sister and her family as well.
Beautiful words, m.c. Your photo also speaks volumes.
Happy Valentine greetings to you!
Happy Valentines Day MC. Cool poem and great pic.
Come on over and visit - we'll have pancakes!!!...They are NO Palacsinta's (Crepes) like Grandpa use to make...but I think you'll like them anyway :)
That photo is gorgeous.
Beautiful picture and Happy Belated Valentine's Day to you, Mimi!
Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day too! We had fun baking chocolate chip raisen nut cookies! Yum!
Thanks for all the compliments about the picture...You've given me a new idea for more posts so, I'll show more of my b&w photos soon!
Happy Valentine's Day! God bless! =)
This poem reads more like the lyric of an immortal love song. Your black and white photo is a wonderful intro.
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