My family and I have decided to start a Bible Study blog named Seek and Ye Shall Find.
It should be fun because Dave, Keegan (10) and I will take different days (weekends off) and we may have guest bloggers at times to do posts. (Evan (4--almost 5!) may say a few words but I'll have to type them for him.)
We are going through the New Testament this year.
You are welcome to join in the study and comment!
How cute is that...Keegan looks just like you!
Yeah and he is a stinker, just like me!
Thanks for stopping by the study! You added some great insight!
wonderful, MC. i'll drop by your bible study site as often as i can.
WOW Marianne!
You're blessed with a very loving family.
A Bible study too? Wow.
Day one was great!
Sounds great...I'll have to check it out!!!
Pia~ Oh, yes! Do stop by anytime!
Audrey~ Thank you...I love 'em to bits.
Curm~ I'm so glad you came by the study...hope to see you again soon!
Trinity13~ Thanks...and I'll be by your site today sometime too.
God bless that Bible Study! That is wonderful.
An Ordinary Christian~ THANK YOU! I hope you can join us! Oh, I like the new pic! How cute.
That is such a great idea! I will drop in from time to time.
God's Grace.
Good louck with it, MC!
Corry~ I hope you do...I must put you on my blogroll...I have a list of people to add and you are on it!
Jean-Luc~ Thanks, O Captain my Captain!
Thanks for visiting - yeah, you got it, regarding your prayer request. That would be a delight.
Wonderful picture! I'll have to check out the link. I'll lurk for now.
Sounds like a fun new venture!
Pretty lady, it sounds like a very fun and meaningful family project :)
An Ordinary Christian~ Thank you!!!
Fred~ I'll be visiting you next. If I have a problem with comments again, I'll email you my comment!
Nettie~ Thanks, I think it will be a lot of funny and a great growing time.
Running2ks~ Thanks sweetie! I know it will keep us occupied, that's for sure!
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