On February 8th at 6:00a.m., five years ago, I went to the hospital to have a child. For five years it had been just Keegan, Dave and me. Our small but wonderful family. (Well, we did have 9 foster kids at the children’s home that we worked at…but our immediate family was three.)
We didn’t know if the baby would be a boy or a girl.
We also didn’t know if he/she would be healthy.
You see, during my pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes as well as toxemia. You could probably guess what the gestational diabetes meant…I had ‘pregnancy’ diabetes. My first child (today ten years old, then five years old) had weighed 9.01 pounds at birth. I was/am hypo-glycemic (the opposite of diabetic where my sugar drops very low) and overweight. So, all those factors together helped form the pregnancy diabetes. Later in the pregnancy, we

For these reasons, we had to schedule a slightly early delivery. I had to be hooked up to a blood pressure machine the entire time…very ‘un’-fun. Especially when they came to put in the epederal…having that machine tighten up my arm while I’m trying to lay on my side holding still as a needle the size of Phoenix is placed into my spine AND HAVING A SEVERE CONTRACTION ALL AT THE SAME TIME was not my idea of a picnic.

Thankfully, we heard his cry…it was a small sound at first but grew louder, much to the relief of all present. So, weighing in at 7 lbs. 4 oz., and measuring 20 ½ inches, our second boy was handed into my arms.
Later that day, Keegan got to come and welcome his baby brother. He was so excited to finally be a big brother!
Recovery was long for me. Toxemia lasted and lasted. The diabetes got better though, thank the Lord! I thought my blood pressure returned to normal, too. But I kept getting migraines. I thought it was just the normal female migraine thin
g. The doctor even prescribed migraine medicine…which you do NOT take if you have high blood pressure. Unfortunately, we all thought my high blood pressure was due to the migraine…but it really was the other way around. It took 3 years before realizing the mistake. After several days of a tight chest and pain when I lied down, I was finally diagnosed with high blood pressure. I haven’t had a migraine since.
Looking back through the last five years, I cannot imagine our family without Evan. I had lost one baby before conceiving Keegan and sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have had three children. He/she would have been about 13 years old now. Someday we will meet him/her. For now, I am so blessed with my two boys.
Keegan and Evan are a team. They play, fight, love, bug, tickle, shout, laugh, cry, and sing together. They truly are each other’s best friends.
So today, February 9, 2006, we are celebrating Evan’s 5th birthday. We’re going to one of those play centers with pizza, soft play, miniature golf, laser tag, and bumper cars.
What fun!
I love having boys.
Shhhh! Don’t tell, but we got him a Dragon’s egg (with dragon inside), a Lego knight, a ‘new’ Herbie car (green) with opening doors, and a huge pillow (just like Keegan’s…but with a different pillowcase).
Happy 5th Birthday Evan!
You are a sweet blessing to us.
We love you, stinker!
Oh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVAN....hey I know what you got...LOL.
that is such a cool way to tell the story! You done good girl!
Mimi, he looks just like a little Dave.....how cute is that.
Keegan owes you a BMW when he grows up...9.01lbs...indeed...yikes!
Happy Birthday, Evan!!! I know what you're getting, too. But, I'm not telling :) :)
What a beautiful, wonderful family you have :)
Happy 5th Birthday Mr Evan!
Those pics are sooooo cute!!!
Happy Birthday, little guy. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday, Evan!!!
May God watch over you always:-)
God's Grace.
Evan, save me some cake...
Hacky burpday
How adorable! And you seem the like the ultimate mommy - your kids are lucky to have you!
Happy birthday Evan, you're adorabke!
Happy B-day Evan - Look how big you are getting!
Mimi - sorry you went through so much, but your family is beautiful and PERFECT!!
Thanks for sharing your story - LOVE the pictures (especially the one shaped like a house - you are soooo creative :)
Boys are GREAT!!
Hope he had a SUPER DUPER birthday!
happy birthday evan!
you gave me such an encouragement, MC, about getting pregnant again and hoping for God's best. i had gestational diabetes too and an immune system that attacks the baby.
God bless.
they are both beautiful boys and you have a beautiful family too! Loved the story!
Happy Birthday, Evan! You have a wonderful mommy and daddy.
Thanks for sharing the story and all the pictures. My kind of post!
Bonnie~ I agree...a BMW or a Porche! Heh. Evan says thank you!
Kat~ thank you! I think they're pretty sweet too. :)
Trinity13~ Thanks babe!
Cube~ We did, thank you! What fun!
Corry~ God's grace to you too, my friend.
Curm~ Evan cracked up when I read yours to him!
Dana~ Aw shucks! Thank you...I know I can always improve though!
Nettie~ Thanks!
Kimber~ I had fun with that house one! Thank you.
Pia~ I'm so glad I've been able to encourage you! I think of you often and you are in my prayers sweetheart.
Live,Love,Laugh~ Thank you! I appreciate all you do for kids...you've a hard job!
Angela~ Happy birthday to yours too! It only gets better!!!
Fred~ Thanks buddy! I always enjoy yours too!
Hope your little man has a great birthday. Children are such a blessing from the Lord. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I noticed that you live in Morganton, NC. I used to live in Maiden, that sure is a great area up there!
he was almost a Valentine's Day baby!!! I have a neice who was born on the 14th, she turns 18 this Tuesday, boy does that make me feel old!!
What a cutie! A happy late birthday to your Evan.
Mazoltov, little guy! Eat lots of cake. The kids are adorable.
Hey girly - you online tonight??? If so, come on and visit already...hee hee!!!
Hope you had a great Birthday Celebration and a great weekend :)
~Thinkin' of ya :)
Sorry I am so late, but I hope Evan had a great birthday. Um, I guess it's a little too late to beg for cake. ;)
Many blessings.
Gordon~ They are a blessing! Thanks for joining in the Bible study!
Ciera~ I feel so old too! Yikes!
Cheryl~ Thanks! I'll come visit you soon!
M.G.~ Thank you...they did eat a LOT of cake!
Kimber~ I was having an eye allergy attack this weekend and didn't blog...I'll come visit later tonight!
Rulan~ Glad to see ya again, you're right...they ate that cake up FAST!
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