My parents just bought this lovely home and have asked me, Dave, and the boys to move in with them.
I know, I know...it sounds a bit strange but we all feel like the Holy Spirit has said, YES.
You see, my parents owned a home with a huge yard on a very steep hill on a lake. It was getting very hard to keep it up. They also missed living in California a bit but they want to still live here, in North Carolina.
So, they are selling the big home and getting one off the lake...it is much less expensive and with the money they save, they will also be able to have a home in California. They can live half of the year here and the other half over there! Two of my sisters and their families live in California still while my sister Kim and I live in N.C. This way, my family will be able to watch after the house while my parents visit California. We will also take care of the landscape (I adore gardening) and we will be there for them as they grow older.
We won't be cramped here either...there are three floors. My family will have the top floor with three bedrooms and a study as well as the basement for our living room, dining room, kitchen, and laundry room. There is so much more space in this new house then where we are right now! Tons and tons of storage. And the yard is awesome...like living in a forest...lots of scope for the imagination here!
So, this weekend I'll be packing stuff...we will have all month to move (starting Monday!) I probably won't blog much...I will do a post on the latest book I read for the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance and I'll try not to be too much of a stranger to all your blogs...but if I'm not showing up as much, you now know why! We will continue posting on Seek and Ye Shall Find although there may be a few days when we cannot. My e-mail will stay the same, don't worry!
Well, pray that everything goes smoothly and we stay healthy for the move! Thank you and God Bless!
Oh! I almost forgot...for my birthday, we went out to the Olive Garden in Hickory...YUM! Then we went and saw the new Pink Panther Movie with Steve Martin. I'm a die-hard Peter Sellers fan but Steve Martin was awesome too! Egads but I laughed so hard and loud! Tears were pouring from my eyes. Kevin Kline and Jean Reno were excellent also.
The next day, the boys and Dave made me a cake. Ah, chocolate. Least I forget, they bought me the DVD and Soundtrack of Bride & Prejudice , a crockpot, and a cookbook!
Here is my review of Bride & Prejudice from January. I adore that movie!