Since this is the Passion Week, I thought I'd do something different. Most weekdays I post on my shared Bible study blog, Seek and Ye Shall Find. Right now we are going through Hebrews and strange enough, today's post has a lot to do with Good Friday and Easter. You can go see the entire post if you like, but I'm just posting the last half of the post. I pray you all have a great Easter. Hope you are blessed with this part of the study...
Hebrews 9:11-28
The Blood of Christ

Then the author speaks of a will and inheritance. Like a loved one, Jesus made His last will and testament and named us His beneficiaries. He gave us an eternal inheritance because He died for us.

9:26b But now he has appeared once for all at the consummation of the ages to put away sin by his sacrifice. 9:27 And just as people are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment, 9:28 so also, after Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many, to those who eagerly await him he will appear a second time, not to bear sin but to bring salvation.

May you remember Christ's sacrifice this Good Friday and rejoice in his salvation as we celebrate this passionate weekend. He has risen! Happy Easter...we'll post again on Monday. God Bless!
Happy Easter Mimi!
Wanted to drop by & wish you & your family a Happy Easter.
Have a wonderful Easter weekend!!!
happy Easter
Deeply felt and most greatly appreciated. Echoes my sentiments exactly. Blessed reflections right back at you on this day.
Have a lovely Easter!
Glad you're posting again!
Happy Easter all! Nick has a great poem on his blah blah blah blog...thanks Dana, I'm glad you all have stuck by me!
Happy Easter. It's good to see you posting again.
Happy and Blessed Easter to y'all.
I hope you are settled in.
God's Grace.
I am so glad that I wasn't in physical body nailed to that cross!
He is risen indeed ... i love that refrain and the picture you have posted of a Risen Christ - is awesome ...
blessings to you and the fam this Easter!
Happy Easter to you and yours, MC. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment a little while ago. Very kind of you.
There was another post I wrote a while back about praying through art. Here is the link to that post:
Scroll down to March 6th.
found your spot through a visit at Jel's... great work... do you ever get time to sleep?
God bless you,
how it pains to love us.
To all you old and new friends, thank you...I hope you had a great Easter too!
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