Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Getting in Shape God's Way by Ron Kardashian

Discover the 4 Keys to Get Fit in Body, Mind & Spirit

· Key #1: Revelation—fitness beliefs—let go of the lies and invade your spirit with the real
· Key #2: Declaration—fitness words—speak the right words to influence your mind, volition, and emotions
· Key #3: Application—fitness function—infuse healthy activity for your whole person
· Key #4: Manifestation—fitness lifestyle—increase your quality of life: spirit, soul, and body

Ron Kardashian begins a national tour to promote and empower anyone and everyone who wants to get in shape – physically, mentally and spiritually.
His new book is paired with a DVD and exercise tubing that can be used to get radical results. The 4 keys also work with any diet or fitness plan.

Discover ancient secrets that break the cycle of fitness failure

In his new book, Getting in Shape God’s Way: 4 Keys to Making Any Diet or Fitness Plan Work, author and fitness expert Ron Kardashian reveals the neglected, ancient secrets to making everything else—proper nutrition, exercise, and other healthy principles—work. Kardashian is a certified strength and conditioning coach and a fitness expert with over a decade of experience who has logged over 11,000 hours of one-on-one consulting in the realm of physical fitness and life development/coaching. The amazing results of his integrated, holistic approach have made him a powerful voice for worldwide change among people of every age, religion, and creed—professionals, CEOs of major companies, diplomatic leaders, clergy, and even royalty.

Getting in Shape God’s Way includes several resources designed to help readers maintain a fitness lifestyle. The fitness plan, complete with photos of Kardashian himself demonstrating proper form, is tailored for beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts. Kardashian also offers a companion workout DVD. The food plan features basic principles for healthy eating, suggested meal ideas, and convenient lists of the healthiest foods and the ingredients to be avoided at all costs. Because the words we speak and the things we put in our mouths determine the direction of our lives, Kardashian also includes a list of “mouth fitness Scriptures” that will keep readers focused.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Sounds like it will do a lot of people good.

Janet said...

This sounds like a motivating book. Thanks.

I think my blog was coming up slow and Twitter is down for me too. Ugh! lol

Here are the links:

Blogger seems to be loading really slow unless it's my connection. Sorry.
Thanks for dropping by Mimi. :)