Karla tagged me from "Another Road to Ramble" the other day. This is a twist from the 7 Random Facts MeMe that has been going around. This is the 7 random book-related facts about me.
2. Confession: I have never read the Narnia books or Tolkien. I have started both series but could never get past the first half of the first books.
4. I'd rather eat anchovies than read a western historical romance.
6. I give more books to the library than to friends.

I'm going to tag 7 people, most have book blogs, so they can continue the book theme if they want. I choose:
Mimi B. "bigguysmama"
Kim Clay
Christy McGraw
Deena Peterson
Peg Phifer
Kim's Window To My World
Captain Picard's Journal
Hey Mimi! I'm working on this to post for Saturday. Thanks for tagging me to play!
Yikes! Tagged again. ::sigh::
I'll be working on this to put up tomorrow.
My favorite supject, btw . . . books! (grin)
Ok, Mimi, my answers are posted.
My most favorite meme ever...involving books :o)
My post is up...and what fun it was :o)
Hope you are having a fabulous weekend Mimi!
Hideho, I finally posted after working on it for 2 days. We have a stupidly slow computer!! UGH
~MJB...hey, like the coffee (Mimi)
wovenbywords dot blogspot dot com
Please pray for me.
Ah, yes, I see. Hmm, the book tagging sounds interesting. Maybe I could use that...
We are family. Got all my brothers and sisters with me...
I never claimed to be sane. =P
Thanks for commenting. I feel better about it now.
We shall see what happens.
I'm posted. No link to leave, but it's at the top of the blog as of 11/9/08 at 3:41 PM Pacific Time:-)
After that, you're just going to have to HUNT for it!!
I posted my seven things. I was in a tagging mood so I tagged 11 people. hee hee
Thanks for the tag.
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