A few days ago, my youngest son (7)asked if I would look at some bug bites he had on his thigh. HA. Sorry, those aren't chiggers...it is either poison oak or sumac. Either way, it is spreading! ACK! Poor guy. He has it all over his legs now...and some on his tummy and neck. No, it isn't chicken-pox...it is most
definitely those darned plants we have in abundance at our home. South Mountain State Park is literally in our back yard. And my boys love, love, love to go hiking. Even just playing soccer in the yard can get them ticks and poison oak/sumac. We pulled a tick off of the same son just last night. That was just too gross. My California Valley Girl nature HATES

Today for Mother's Day, Mother Nature sent out a few gifts...HAIL. Poky hail at that! We were also in a Tornado Watch, little did we know. I did have a feeling though. Ever since living in Kansas, I've been more attuned to the weather. This tasted of

No damage to car (that we can tell...more on that later...but no broken windows at least) and my parent's car that they have left here until

More pictures to come soon...about Derbie, our well loved car, and my parents' move.
That is some big hail!! I am glad nothing was damaged! Great pictures.
Happy Mothers Day!!!
Whoa. You sure got some amazing hail. Glad no one got hurt and that there wasn't any damage.
Happy Mother's Day.
Wow! What a Mother's Day for you... We had hail damage and roof damage a few years ago. We never even thought to have our roof checked until our neighbor got his replaced. You should have yours checked with hail like that! Your home owners insurance will cover the cost of replacement, and then you will have a new roof if you decide to sell within a few years that will help sell!!! That's what happened to us. They take a measurement of how much of the surface is missing and they can tell where it should be. Also, they check the gutters for roof granules. We had lots of dents all over our car too; but I don't remember the hail being that big like yours.
Anyway, come visit my blog if you want, I had a Mother's Day post too.
Amy B (FIRST, and NONFIRST member
That was some Mother's Day present!
poison ivy is around my ankles, up my calves, in between my fingers, across my hands heading up the forearms and on my neck! OH YEH, we are having fun now!
Wow! Never experienced the hail thing. Hurricanes, tornado watches, etc. But, not hail.
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