This is a picture of me today in 2007, with my youngest son, Evan.

1997...10 years ago...I was in the Army Reserves and had been called up to a serve in a peace keeping mission called Operation Joint Guard. My son, Keegan, was only 2 years old and my hubby had to be Mr. Mom in Kansas for over 8 months while I was in Hungary and Croatia.

1987...2o years ago...I was an art major at San Jose State University, California, and had just gotten engaged to my now hubby. (We married in 1990)

1977...30 years ago...I was 10 years old, living in Los Gatos, California...and I was totally in love with Luke Skywalker, standing in line for an hour to see Star Wars: A New Hope. ***SIGH***

Even if I haven't tagged you, you can still do this Meme; leave me a comment so I can visit your post!
How cruel, Mimi! If you look, you'll see iot's on my Journal.
I remember standing in line for Star Wars at the theatre! My real dad and I popped huge bags of popcorn and stood in line forever to see it!
Thanks for playing! :)
You were in love with Luke? I was always drawn to Darth Vader, pre Episodes I-III. Now that there's no mystery to him anymore, the appeal wanes. Except when I pretend to forget I-III and watch like I did when I was a kid.
Now, Captain Kirk? He never goes out of style.
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