Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey.
Countries I've visited:
USA...duh, Mexico, England, Hungary, Croatia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Holland, Italy.
So you were in England!
That's a whoooooole lot of traveling! I'd love to see England, Switzerland, France, Ireland, Holland, Italy. Which one was your favorite?
I have lived in: Louisiana, Arkansas, Iowa, Indiana, Michigan, Texas, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, California... and since 1998, Idaho!
I have been in every state except: Alaska, Hawaii, Florida, North and South Carolina and most of those little tiny New England States.
The only other countries I have visited are Canada and Mexico. I have never been off the continent.
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