January 28, 2008:
Well, after over a year of waiting on AMG, they gave me a NO. So, back to the drawing board. I'll be working on revamping my proposal and looking for an agent. Keep praying that FAIRIES will find the perfect home.
Thanks everyone.
January 5, 2008:
Still no word. Just thought I'd let you know to keep on praying!
October 15, 2007:
I received an e-mail from the editor that said my book is being held on to for a little more review – to be sure it is something the committee would truly be interested in.
SO...keep praying my friends!

Hi everyone! I have some exciting news...
AMG Publishing (publisher of Bryan Davis' Dragons in Our Midst Series, a Christian Young Adult Fantasy) is taking my book to their new products review board in July or August! The fiction acquisitions editor said his fantasy reader loved my proposal (which included part one) and highly recommends it.Please be praying that the board members' hearts will be open to the idea. The word 'fairies' usually brings to mind secular magic. Pray they will realize the opportunities of evangelism that can happen through my book.
God bless!
That's fantastic! It would be great to have you on the AMG team!
Bryan Davis
Thanks for all your help, Bryan. God bless!
finally , it seems forever i know for you to finally hear word but it is so in Gods time and its going to be perfect when it all HAPPENS!! YAY!
Good luck, Mimi. Hope to read about it when I come back from my vacation.
Awesome!! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to find out what they say! I will be praying!
You know I'm in your corner!
Update as soon as you know!
Ma, Captain, McMom, and Jaimie~
Thanks guys. Will let you know as soon as I do!
That is great! I will be praying for you!! :-)
God's Grace.
Hi Mimi, I am so excited for you! Praying this will be the answer you've been looking for! I gotta point out that the month is June, not August. ;-) Love you, Margie
My loving sis, Margie!
Yes, I know it's June...I just changed it to August so it will stay up on top of the blog until I hear from AMG. LOL. You crack me up.
that's great news! praying for you mimi...
Congrats! We'll keep our fingers crossed!
Lovely blog!
I thought of you today. I'm reading The Faerie Path by Frewin Jones. I picked it up at the library in the YA section. I'm enjoying it immensely. Have you read it?
It's VERY good (it involves Shakespeare, which never hurts me!). I finished reading it yesterday, and what do you know...there's a sequel (though I don't know if it's been published, yet, as this one was in the new books section). It ends on a huge cliffhanger. I think you'll enjoy it.
I hope you do well.
I was going through old posts of mine and noticed your comment.
God bless.
Hi Mimi
I'm praying for you =)
Mimi, this is GREAT news. It shows that your work is at the level to woo editors. This is true even if the board rejects your story. Please remember that at the committee meeting there will be the bean counters, sales and marketing, and all sorts of people whose job it is to say why the publisher can't afford to publish you. It's hard for a newcomer to get through this committee, but every publisher author out there had to do it at some time. So hang in there and be happy with where you are, even if this answer is no. The next commitee's answer might be yes.
Great news, Mimi. Bryan is an awesome guy and I have enjoyed what AMG did with his stories. It would be great for you to be there. Fantastic news. Praying for you.
In the near future I would love for you to guestblog at Christian Fiction around the holidays. Share your pixies with us.
OT After you conclude this series I see you writing about a godfairy diva named davidae. Just want to throw that out there:)
My email got screwwy. I email you from the conference!
hi, mimi.
Whooo!! Yay!! How exciting!!!!! =)
Haven't they contacted you, yet???? Sheesh!
I am going CRAZY waiting. But it is a good kind of crazy. LOL.
praying for you, mimi.
Hey Girl,
very cool! will be praying!
how are ya ?
I saw your name on PIA's ChatBox.
I just wanted you to know I have
a New Christian Chat Room. I hope
to meet you there.
Ho-hum. Any day now...
Awe...You left my chat room.. I hope you come back again and chat.
Love, BJ
mimi, how's the book doing? how's the publication?
Haven't they contacted you yet????
How's your tooth??
We read your profile and memoirs..The book sounds exciting..Toni and I are happy for you..Covolo s
TURTLES! HO HO's! Sister Mary somebody saw the bird!
Hey Sally (Mimsey)!!! You need to post something on your blog so I can comment back to you!
Fairies?? Did you say Fairies!!!??? Oh, M...you've got to email me and tell me more about this....pretty please?!?!?
Hey Mimi
This is your ex neighbor Sallie again.
I love that you wrote your life story,
I am attempting to write mine too..
with photos..harder than I thought.
I have only got to age seven and as you well know I have a lot to go..haha
I do not know how to put stuff on my blog page. You young people are so creative..You know how to do it all. Love ya..Gramma Sallie
Any news? :)
No news yet...I'm going crazy over here! Keep praying everyone!
Love the new profile pix!
I'm a new visitor and friend from shelfari, great site, thank you.
I'll be praying for you!
Thanks everyone, I'm still waiting. Ug.
Just checking to see if there has been any good news yet... ugh, the wait. :)
Keep us posted.
Yea! It sounds like it's good news...I'll keep praying! :)
Finally! :-)
*fingers crossed*, pagan sentiment that it is! LOL :-)
I'm away for a while, and you're a split hair away from getting your book published. Maybe I should stay away more often ;-)
Best of luck to you. Consider my best wishes piled in with those above.
Thanks so much for the visit and comment at my humble abode..please do come again..and good luck on the book!!!:)
Just wanted to let you know about a giveaway I'm hosting - come check it out. Thank you!
Praying for you, Mimi =)
hi mimi. we'll keep on praying for your book. blessings to you my friend.
thinking of you, mimi.
I could have sworn I posted a comment yesterday, but I guess not.
Anyway...I wanted to ask...are you working on a sequel to this?
Thanks guys...keep praying!
Yes, Jaimie...I'm about 1/3 way into the second book. :-)
Mimi! Have you read The Fairie Path by Frewin Jones, yet?? Book II (The Lost Queen) is out. Only one county library in the whole state here is getting it in, so I have to reserve my copy this weekend. I hear it's better than the first, though!
Ack! Change the date on this to get it back to the top!
How are you, Mimi?
Thinking of you =)
hi, mimi! hope you had a merry christmas. (((HUGS)))
I had the 2-disk special edition. What was yours?
Hope you had a nice Christmas! Update here on what's going on!
I'll add my good wishes to those above. Hope your Christmas & New Year's were joyful.
Sorry things did not work out. Better luck next time.
Mimi, NO WAY! This feels like a gut kick to me too. But I got to believe it would/will be the right pick for another publisher. It’s an excellent novel and I loved reading it. I know a lot of teens that would too.
I guess we need to step up the prayers!
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