I've been sick. I mean SICK. It started with allergies in October but never went away. Instead, it went into my chest and remained there. It is still there. I have pneumonia and cannot rid myself of it. I've had two bouts of anti-biotics. After each round, I feel a bit better...but then come down with a stupid cold. Right now I'm in the stupid cold time. I only have stuff in my lungs when I wake up in the morning. Needless to s

I've been homeschooling. The kids are doing AWESOME. But it leaves me with hardly any time to myself. (Dave has the kids out doing errands with him right now and I am making use of that time!) Here is a picture of Keegan slaying our neighbor on their way to Medievil Day at the Library.

Our neighbors got two ponies! We

I've been teaching a Writing Club for kids. We meet every Tuesday and are going through the book: Learn to Write the Novel Way by Carole Thaxton, M.S. (Co-author of KONOS Curriculum). It is getting me back into the writing frame of mind and reminds me of why I'm attempting this whole writing for Young Adults thing. Most of the kids have read my book and have been so encouraging about getting me to try and get it published. I'm working on the sequel as I teach them. So, we are all writing novels in the class!

I heard from the agent that I met in Philadelphia and he turned my book down. He did give me two leads and another author has given me another two leads...so, I'm not without ideas. I have come to accept that it may never be published but I'll keep trying. I just want to center on writing now...and as a side send in query letters. I'm happy.
I will still try to visit all you blogger friends occationally...it all depends on the internet and free time. But I think about you often! God Bless!
It was great to read your update. I haven't been blogging much either, but I did post something the other day. The ponies look adorable!
I will pray you are feeling healthy soon!!
Thanks for the update, MC. It's nice to see the pictures.
Get better soon. And, that book will be published!
Mimi, you take care of yourself. I think you need a nasal irrigator. It looks like a water pik but it cleans out your sinus cavity instead of your teeth--I know that sounds gross, but it helped me with chronic sinus infections.
Also: vitamin c and bioflavenoids, and lots and lots of water, every day.
hope you pray for me when you think of me! :D missing you :)
oh, mimi... (((HUGS))) i hope you're feeling a lot better now. i'll be praying for you.
as they say and i do too, keep on trying. someday, it will be published. =)
Don't give up on your book, Mimi! It's really good! I'm sorry the agent didn't want it. I know that's disappointing, especially when he seemed so interested in it.
I'm so sorry you're sick! I've had asthmatic bronchitis on more than one occasion (brought on by allergies once as well), and I know how awful lung illnesses can be!
Update us when you can!
from Jaime, who is too annoyed with blogger beta to go through their stupid sign-in procedure when she's *already* signed in!
Happy Christmas, Mimi.
Have a very Merry Christmas, MC.
Merry Christmas Mimi!
Merry Christmas to you ... and a healthier new year to come!
Mimi, I hope that you are feeling better now and that your family had a very Merry Christmas. I pray your New Year will be a very blessed full of His blessings, love, strength and peace!
are you feeling any better?
you sound like you are very busy!
take care!
Hi Mimi,
Great to read your update! I hope you are feeling better! I think your book will be published one day. There are so many famous authors that say they were rejected many times (and then they smile and say 'and now they are kicking themselves-heh, heh).
Glad to hear you are doing well!
Your BIF,
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