I did.
It was 1976; I was nine years old. The family had just pulled up to our camping spot at Trinity National Park in California. Funny how a name could mean something more now than it did then...Not until this moment did I realize that I had written 'Trinity' without meaning the Godhead. Hmmm...Something to ponder. Anyway, my parents started setting up camp and I really wanted to go on a bike ride. None of my sisters wanted to take me and my parents would not allow me to go alone. Thinking back, this was a good thing. At the time it seemed utterly unfair.
Margie made a deal with me. If I would brush her hair for half an hour then she would take me for a ride. I know that seems a bit mean but really, she didn't want to go and I liked making funny hair-dos in her hair.

We didn't figure on the gravel or the steepness of the road.
Talk about head over heals! I flipped over the handle bars when I errantly hit a large piece of gravel. Gravel and face don't mix. Neither do teeth and rocks. I smashed my head into the dirty rocky mix and slid a few feet. I don't remember much after that...I blurrily recall Margie screaming for help. Next thing I knew, an old man was carrying me. My face, shirt and feet covered in blood. I had one sandal on. The other one must have stayed with my teeth on the pavement. The man's wife helped Margie and our bikes back to the campsite.
I never found out the names of the couple but will always remember their kindness.
My face was a mess. I lost three permanent teeth on my bottom row and had somehow created a mouse-hole shape in my two front teeth. The teeth had exited my mouth through my upper lip which was dangling open. Sorry, I know. It wasn't a pretty picture.
The nearest hospital/doctor was an hour away. My sisters and mom tore down camp as my dad tried to wash me off and stop the bleeding.
I ended up with a bunch of stitches, some false teeth (they were my permanent ones that I lost), and a good patch up job on the mouse-hole. For a long time I kept my torn and bloody sandal; the only souvenir I had from the trip that wasn't attached or lost from my body.
I thank God that Margie was there.
I also have some hugs for those two souls that helped me when I was in need.
Some may call them angels among us. What's really important, besides the kindness of strangers, is that you still remember and appreciate that. That is what will make you a Samaritan as well.
Thanks running2ks! You commented even before I finished my spelling corrections. Wow. Yes, remembering the kindness and doing for others is what it is all about. Great point.
MC, forgive me. i don't find your experience funny but the way you described it was hilarious. gravel and face don't mix...neither do teeth and rocks... i couldn't stop laughing.
we have experienced angels-on-earth encounter someitme in our lives, we should also be angels-on-earth to other people. what ever kindness we do to others is like doing it to the Lord too.
Pia~ Yeah, you gotta laugh at yourself...I like laughing even with gravel in my face!
I don't remember the pain but I do remember the people and their love. True about kindness...'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' I can say that I should do as they have done unto me for this one!
What a great story of compassion. Even though it was hilarious. I can say that folks, she's my very good friend....I know with friends like me she doesn't need enemies.
Mims you wrote another great word picture!
My Bonn Bonn~ Thanks my friend...I like your poopie story too. I did have compassion for you as you slid across the floor and had it stuck between your toesies.
i'm so happy you shared this with us.
Baggie~ Thanks my friend. I'm glad you had fun at the U2 concert!
Mimi, you poor thing! Yeah, I've got a long list of samaritans in my life to thank. Now, I'm going to go read the poopie story.
I posted a story about my "angel in the black leather jacket" a while back. There have been others over the years, too. It is comforting to know that even in the worst of times, God is right there with us.
Jennifer~saw that you went to see Bonnie's post...you should see the one before it where her hubby gets sprayed by a skunk. Way too funny.
Cheryl~I'll have to check out the angel in black leather...sounds intriguing!
Wow - what a great story. Yes, thankfully Margie was there. I have a story like that myself; I wouldn't be here if not for the kindness of someone.
You've given me a good post idea; it's probably time to thank them in print twenty years later.
Thanks for stopping by, Fred. I can't wait to read your good Samaritan story!
Here’s a link to the Angel in the Black Leather Jacket story. In case it doesn’t work, it was posted on October 2, 2005. The cookies were yummy, btw! Thank you for the recipe!!
Okay Cheryl, I shall give it a try! Thanks!
owie ...
i can relate - i got my permanent front tooth chipped so badly that i had a silver cap on it for 3 LONG formative girlie years (finally for grade 7 i got it fixed, the cap was supposed to be a few month temp) ... and i've hit a tree dead on, as i zoomed down a hill on my bike ... owie ... i feel your pain - and i make jokes about both incidents today ... but they did do something to my self esteem for awhile ... go figure?
Saija~Oh yes, don't I know about the low self esteem. I'll be talking about getting braces with false teeth...very strange. I'm so glad I didn't have to have silver for my front caps! That would have REALLY looked like a mouse hole then!
Wow, that's so cool that you ended up OK!
Jen~ Thanks. Yeah, I'm so glad that there are people who help people!
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