Do you remember the first time you cut school? Funny, I'm not sure if I ever did it again...but I remember that day and the friends I was with. Tiffany, Me, Kris, and Tobi. Yes, we are all wearing cowboy hats, and yes, we planned it, and yes, we look rather silly, but no, none of us ever owned a horse. It is strange that by the end of our Junior year in High School, I was no longer good friends with any of these girls. One because our interests changed very quickly, the other because of popularity or lack there of, and the last? Well, I'll get to that a bit later. Even so, this day we were friends, sisters. We cut school to go to my house...went the back way through a ditch and everything. It really wasn't all that wrong, it was the last day of school and everyone was just signing yearbooks anyway. Even though I never cut again, it felt kinda good being just a little wicked once.
Sophomore year of high school. My so-called boyfriend at the time and two other guys. We stole the school maintenance cart - you know one of those golf cart looking things. We drove that cart up State Route 741 all the way to the MALL, sister! Like 5 miles or something. Oh, those were the days.
Jennifer~ You really went all out for that one didn't you!
OH! I can't wait to read it Alydyn!
that's one thing I never did...cut school. the school was at one end of the block. My house was the second one on the next block, and my father was a county sheriff. Everyone in town knew me, I couldn't get away with anything!
I'm sure YOU got away with a lot, Bonnie! You little sneak.
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