Saturday, December 31, 2005

Busy Me

Hey everyone! I've got a prayer request and a praise for you...

Remember Robert Liparulo, the writer of Comes A Horsemen? We've been chatting a bit over e-mails and he has given me the name and address of a Young Adult editor at Nelson Publishing to send my book proposal to. For my non-writing friends, a proposal is a package which includes a synopsis of the book, a history of the author, sample chapters, and the marketing potential.

I'm very excited because Nelson Publishing is almost impossible to get into. They are a huge Christian publishing firm and only take proposals through recommendations.

I'll be busy for the next few days...writing a chapter by chapter synopsis and putting the proposal together; so please forgive me if I seem a bit distant from the blogosphere.

Please pray for me to get it perfect. If this is where and when God wants it, it'll happen. If not, it will be an awesome learning experience. All in His time.

Have a happy new year everyone!

Oh, a few friends and I are starting a small group Bible study blog on January 1st. We'll be going through the New Testament this year and you are very welcome to join in and comment. Seek and Ye Shall Find is the name. My posts will be on Thursday. I'll tell more about it later and put in a permanent link soon.


Nettie said...

Wow, that study blog sounds like a great opportunity. Work hard on those chapters gal!

Mindy Tarquini said...

Yay!, M.C. That's great. Hello! I'm a friend of Bonnie's. She'll vouch for me. I write some YA and MG stuff also, along with my friend Dana. I'm adding you to my blogroll because I liked the description of your book at Miss Snark's and you're a friend of Bonnie's. I write mostly humor, with some more serious stuff thrown in. Come by my blog and say hello. Pleased to meet you. I'm Mindy.

Trinity13 said...

What a wonderful opportunity MC!!!! Good luck and I'll def be praying.

Btw, happy new year!

julie said...

How wonderful to get the foot in the door!!! I'll be praying that your preparation goes beautifully.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Good luck, M.C. It could be a great year.

Pirate said...

I am on board.

Running2Ks said...

Mimi, you absolutely have my prayers. I am thrilled for you!

Denise McDonald said...

OH MIMI!!! ~ that is so great - all my prayers!!!

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

I'm already on it, my Pixie friend!

Anonymous said...

oh, that's great news! i hope and pray that you'll get through nelson publishing.

thanks for praying for my mom. may you have a prosperous 2006. God bless and happy new year!

David Meigs said...

That's exciting news. Bob must have been impressed to give out that info.

I pray you get a contract.

M. C. Pearson said...

I love you all and am basked in the prayers. Thank you! I will visit you all soon...I read every loving thought sent my way and feel the glow of friendship around me. You are a great group of friends!

Jennifer said...

Mimi, that is so awesome! Yay for you!!!!! I will definitely be praying for you.

Rulan said...

Way cool. That is such wonderful news. What a window of opportunity. Go girl.
Great to see you again.

Hey, Curm's book is still being updated, but I'll be announcing its grand arrival on my blog soon as it's ready.
May the Lord open many doors for you and your writing.

Jaime said...

Hi, Mimi!

I'm so glad you left a comment on my blog, b/c I lost your blog address due to computer issues, and just could not find it.

Great news!! Congrats! Please keep us updated!!

Jaime said...

p.s...i'm adding a link to your blog on mine so that I have no further issues.